Youth Intellectual Mind

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hang Jebats in MIC

Every struggle certainly will require sacrifices. In fact, we could not escape from being betrayed and stabbed by our own companions in the struggle. Jebat Must Die - an epic tale sticks in each of our memory. Unfortunately Hang Jebat was often labelled as a traitor and a rebel in this story. In fact,  Hang Jebat is just a pure fighter who wants to avenge not only the death of his friend, Hang Tuah but to fight the injustice ruler...

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Article submitted by Mr. Hareeraja (Facebook account here) .  All have now started to make noise in regarding of fuel price hike up. We can see banners, posters, online templates, short messages, whatsapp and many more media way to criticize the government’s move to increase the fuel price and the government are not concern over its people. I know there are instant economists; instant experts sitting in front of the computer are ready to...

Friday, September 12, 2014

NAAM & Gangsterism

Following are what is running through my mind. Opinions are mine . In 2013, Malaysian authorities disclosed that ethnic Indians made up 71% of the 40,313 gangsters in Malaysia has divided the community, with some complaining about racial profiling but others acknowledging the sad fact. There are some 2 million Indians in Malaysia, a relatively small minority, so the revelation by the Home Ministry last year of their over-representation in...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How Multiracial Is DAP ?

The topic that will be discussed here is ' how multiracial is DAP ?' I am not keen to talk on what DAP has done , what DAP is doing or how good DAP compare to BN components or how DAP have been managing Penang. I am pretty much sure there will be a little diversion in the topic discussed so I would like to discuss only about DAP's multiracial status. ONLY! Hypothesis : DAP is not multiracial   I have decided to pick this topic as my subject after watching this video which is going viral these few days.&nbs...

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tamil Schools and Idiots around.

Just to clear something up when I say "idiots" I don't mean people who are less knowledgeable than me about a certain topic. I mean people who are wilfully ignorant, intolerant, or unreasonable to the point of frustration I received a Whatsapp message from a friends of mine who shared a link of blog post regarding issues in Tamil schools. *clicked the link* *read till end* *laughed* *facepalm-ed myself* Looking at the imbecile of the blogger...

Thursday, August 7, 2014

PROOF : RM540 million for Indian Community. A slap on Waytha Moorthy face!

A loser who ran away to London then came back to become a Deputy Minister in Prime Minister's office. He then resigned due to his own failures but now trying to be hero blaming back the government.  ...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Satu FAKTA mengenai Ustaz Alagappas Shahul Hamid yang anda harus tahu!

Dasar Islam dgn jelas melarang umatnya mencerca agama lain. Surah Al-An'aam (6): ayat 108. (sumber)  "Nabi muhammad SAW melarang sahabat baginda dari menghina Islam/Allah. Para sahabat bertanya mana mungkin kami mencerca Islam/Allah. Baginda membalas, apabila kamu menghina agama/kepercayaan org lain seumpama kamu menghina agama/kepercayaan kamu sendiri"  Bertentangan dengan apa yang dilarang Nabi Muhammad SAW , ini pula Ustaz longkang...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

EKSKLUSIF : Mendiang Karpal Singh Patut Diberi Penghormatan Negara , Gelaran Tun. Kenapa?

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga Mendiang Karpal Singh diatas kehilangan orang yang tersayang. Semoga anda semua tabah menghadapi ujian yang getir ini. Penghormatan negeri atau negara kebiasaannya diberi kepada mana-mana pemimpin utama atau bekas pemimpin utama negeri atau negara yang banyak berjasa dan menyumbang kepada negeri dan negara. Dalam kes Karpal diberi penghormatan negeri ada kawan-kawan atau pihak-pihak...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

FULL LIST : National Scholarship for 30 Non-Malays , Proved Pakatan is LYING!

Woke up to a beautiful morning, I was hoping for a good day. Then I saw this : Well, I am not surprised to see Elangovan from MEITA , a so called neutral NGO led by Pro-opposition supporter Datuk Haji Tasleem who day and night attacks the government. But to my surprise , is that true these Indian students did not get it? SPM 2014 A total of 11,892 candidates obtained the Grade A in all the subjects they sat for in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

BREAKING : Is this the #MH370 that we are looking for?

Found on Google Map. Go to Google Map and type  8.695133, 106.590416 . Make sure you switch your Google Map to Earth mode. This is what you will find. This image taken from Google Map. In an island ,southern Vietnam. Can it be MH370 that we all are looking for? Please share this article and get the relevant authority to check on this. I am not sure about this but can it be just a coincident? ::update 3.10am :: Was informed...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

'BR1Mless' - Laporan Palsu Hina Taraf Hidup Kaum India di Malaysia

Tindakan sebuah portal berita menyiarkan satu artikel berkenaan kisah sebuah keluarga kononnya warganegara Malaysia yang kesempitan hidup dilihat sebagai satu laporan palsu. Malah,artikel bertajuk 'Br1MLess' yang disiarkan di portal berita Rakyat Times pada 24 Februari  ini dilihat sebagai satu percubaan untuk memperlekehkan masyarakat India di Malaysia. Menerusi tinjauan di lokasi kejadian, ianya terbukti bahawa keluarga ini bukan merupakan...

Friday, February 21, 2014

BONGKAR! Cerita Waytha : Berapa Kos UbahSuai Pejabat Senator Waytha ? - Part 3

Jika anda belum membaca Part 1 dan Part 2 , klik disini dan sini  Penafian :Gambar -gambar dalam artikel ini diambil pada beberapa bulan dahulu mungkin berbeza dengan keadaan terkini pejabat tersebut. Gambar-gambar ini adalah tulen yang dirakam menggunakan telefon bimbit. STRAIGHT TO THE POINT.Apabila penulis mencecah kaki masuk ke pejabat Tuan Senator Waythamoorthi selepas beliau mengambil sumpah ini yang penulis nampak. Penulis pernah...

Cerita Waytha : Tan Sri Yackop dipermainkan – Part 2

Sambungan dari Part 1 (klik disini ) Sepertimana dalam perjanjian MOU antara Hindraf, Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Najib Razak telah bersetuju untuk menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa khas yang dipanggil “Expert Steering Committee” dimana jawatan kuasa ini akan mempunyai 5 orang ahli yang terdiri daripada seorang pengerusi yang akan dilantik oleh Perdana Menteri dan dipersetujui oleh HINDRAF termasuk 2 wakil dari Barisan Nasional dan 2 Wakil dari Hindraf....

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cerita RM372.5 Juta Waytha Moorthy – Part 1

Pada Jun 2013 sebelum Expert Steering Committee ditubuhkan, Waytha Moorthy meminta Perdana Menteri untuk menubuhkan satu Unit yang diberi nama “Indian Community Advancement Unit” dibawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri dimana Senator Waytha Moorthy akan mengetuainya....

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Papadom Minyak Biawak dan Tosai Tuak

FAKTA : Papadom dan Tosai adalah 100% makanan sayur-sayuran Papadom dan tosai bukan lagi asing di Malaysia bagi masyarakat berbilang kaum. Saya pasti ramai diantara kita pernah menjamu thosai dan jamuan makan tengahari tidak akan lengkap tanpa papadom , bukan?...

Friday, January 24, 2014

Tumbuk Menteri : Ahli UMNO dipenjara ? @PDRMsia @UMNOnline

Kertas siasatan berhubung insiden seorang ahli Pemuda Umno Hulu Selangor yang didakwa menumbuk Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan II, P. Kamalanathan sudah diserahkan kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara. (sumber klik disini ) - 17 Januari 2014 ...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hina Agama : @PDRMsia tidak boleh bersikap double standard

Ingat lagi pasangan kontroversi Alvivi -Alvin dan Vivian yang memuatknaik gambar (di bawah) yang menghina agama Islam? ...

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Baca dan Sebarkan! Kisah sebenar SJK(T) Seaport Yang Anda Patut Tahu! @Pkamalanathan

Maklumat dalam artikel ini diperolehi dari Pejabat Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan II  , YB Tuan P.Kamalanathan. Penulis ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada YB Timb Menteri atas tindakan pantas memberi penjelasan walaupun kini berada di luar negara. Penafian : Artikel ini mengandungi kebenaran dan kesahihan yang teramat. Jika anda seorang pencacai pembangkang, penulis sarankan agar tidak membaca artikel ini. Kemungkinan besar ia boleh...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

PISA 2012 - Does it really matter ?

Please take note that these are compilation of few articles derived from various Malaysian dailies together with my points on the subject. Wrong to compare results The curriculum in Malaysia and the other countries are not the same. For example , the Year Six students in Singapore are studying Mathematics which is at the level of that being undertaken by oue Malaysian students whi are in either Form 2 or 3. So you can see the vast difference between...