Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MIC sedia berdebat..PKR tak mahu!

Perdebatan antara mana-mana parti politik yang membawa kefahaman ideologi dan dasar yang  berbeza adalah satu petanda sihat dan baik ke arah mencorak menjadikan senario politik di negara ini lebih matang. Perdebatan antara Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek dan YB Lim Guan Eng boleh dijadikan satu contoh terbaik.

Persoalan yang kini timbul adalah, adakah UMNO dan MIC akan berbuat sama..?

MIC menyatakan hasratnya untuk berdebat mengenai isu berkenaan hal kaum India di negara ini dengan Naib Presiden PKR, N.Surendran melalui Setiausaha Pemuda MIC Kebangsaan, C.Sivarraajh. Tetapi apa yang mengejutkan, N.Surendran menolak pelawaan itu dengan alasan hanya bersedia untuk berdebat dengan  Menteri UMNO atau Naib Pengerusi.

Kenapa MIC perlu debat dengan PKR?

1. Seperti yang ramai dianatara kita tahu, komposisi kaum India di DAP dan PAS jauh lebih kurang berbanding PKR. Jadi PKR yang mempunyai ramai ahli berbangsa India patut berdebat.

2. DAP sudah pun berdebat mewakili kaum Cina dengan presiden MCA , Datuk Seri Chua. Ini jelas menunjukkan DAP sudah pun memperjuangkan nasib ahlinya yang majoriti berbangsa Cina.

3.Jadi orang yang sesuai untuk berdebat mengenai isu kaum India sudah tentunya PKR dan Naib Presidennya , N.Surendran adalah orang yang paling sesuai kerana beliau merupakan pemimpin India yang menjawat jawatan tertinggi PKR.

Kenapa N.Surendran tak berani berdebat?

1. Beliau hanyalah India pada nama. Beliau tidak boleh berbahasa Tamil inikan pula debat? haha

2. Beliau tidak pernah dilihat menyelesaikan masalah kaum India..

2.Jadi beliau mahu mencabar UMNO sebagai cara untuk larikan diri dari perdebatan.

3. Beliau tahu UMNO tidak akan dapat menjawab dan berdebat persoalan mengenai isu kaum India lebih baik dari MIC. jadi ianya membolehkan beliau untuk nampak ' hero' atau 'champion'..

Nampak tak helah Surendran?

Penulis rasa Saudara Sivarraajh mempunyai segala kelayakan untuk berdebat dengan N.Surendran. Sivarraajh yang latang bersuara demi pendiriannya sebelum ini pernah digantung parti selama 6 bulan (selepas hukuman dikurangkan). Ini jelas menunjukkan prinsip beliau dalam memperjuangkan apa yang dipercayainya betul.
Jadi penulis tertanya-tanya apakah pendirian Surendran dalam hal ini?

Cetakan skrin dibawa yang diperolehi dari sumber ini jelas menunjukkan prinsip N.Surendran yang sanggup mengatakan beliau bukan pemimpin India semata-mata untuk 'lari' dari perdebatan.

Beginikah pemimpin yang kita mahu?



  1. I'd rather young and intelligent leader like Surendran than of corrupt and useless MIC thrash like Kamalanathan or Sivarajah. Enough said! I dare you publish my comments as it doesnt have anything vulgar and just honest opinion. if u dont, then u r no different than them!

  2. Young and Intelligent must come with bravery too.. No point being a leader but don’t dare to voice out for Indians..btw, I publish all comments which has manner and critism..even if you don’t dare me,I would have published yours.. anyway, if you really had guts,you would have put your name instead of being an Anonymous ,this shows you are just one of kind of surendran.. enough said dude.. =)

  3. Kumarendran MurugiahFebruary 28, 2012 at 6:33 AM

    Hello Brother Anonymous....Surendran young and intelligent but he has not guts to argue with either Sivaraajh or YB P. Kamalanathan. Shall we still regard him as a leader of highest caliber?

    As for your "ultimate blind support" for Surendran, why do you think he claims that he is not an Indian leader? Is that because he doesn`t know how to articulate in Tamil or he just knows that he has not done anything or better said a single thing for Indians in Malaysia as being one of the top Indians in PKR? As they say, empty vessel makes the most noise and I believe in this case, Surendran is a confirmed empty vessel.

    Let`s be a man, those 2 MIC leaders calling for a debate are young leaders and Surendran should accept these challenges thrown to him. There is no point being vocal in twitter and blogs but when it comes to real time face to face argument, a leader fails.

    As for your Bro SK Durai @rageindians...Saya mempelawa Saudara untuk turun padang dan lihat generasi baru di kalangan India yang kini sedang cuba sedaya upaya untuk membantu masyarakat India. Saya secara langsung ingin membawa Saudara SK Durai ke kawasan DUN Perai (N16) dan Bagan Dalam (N09) di Pulau Pinang untuk melihat perkembangan oleh Kerajaan pemerintahan kini yang telah mengabaikan masyarakat India. Please don`t sing to me the "what MIC did for 5o years" song and see what MIC has done for Indians in such short period of 2 years in Penang. Do you want to take up this simple invitation?

  4. Young but not intelligent.too bad when challenged for a debate he backed off. since all "MIC" members are corrupt then why he's scared to debate? i just don't understand Why is it so important for him to debate with UMNO/VP when MIC challenged him? intelligent? LoL

  5. Young and intelligent like Surendren? Are you kidding me my anonymous friend? Let's speak with a little fact here. If you think Surendren is younger and vocal than C Shivarajjh, you better go figure first. Second, if you think Surendren is matured and much intelligent than P Kamalanathan, go figure again.

    When you say corrupt and useless, you better lay some hard facts to back that or otherwise take your 'trash' elsewhere. N Surendren is nothing but a tool for Anwar to furnish his PKR CWC with multi-racial colours because Anwar knows N Surendren is nothing but a mice. True servicemen like P Kamalanathan and C Shivarajjh are no match for this dude. Get him to step out of the court and walk into the homes of the grassroots first before wanting to challenge and Ministers. A typical mediocre idiot being hailed by another.

  6. Young and intelligent like Surendren? Are you kidding me my anonymous friend? Let's speak with a little fact here. If you think Surendren is younger and vocal than C Shivarajjh, you better go figure first. Second, if you think Surendren is matured and much intelligent than P Kamalanathan, go figure again.

    When you say corrupt and useless, you better lay some hard facts to back that or otherwise take your 'trash' elsewhere. N Surendren is nothing but a tool for Anwar to furnish his PKR CWC with multi-racial colours because Anwar knows N Surendren is nothing but a mice. True servicemen like P Kamalanathan and C Shivarajjh are no match for this dude. Get him to step out of the court and walk into the homes of the grassroots first before wanting to challenge and Ministers. A typical mediocre idiot being hailed by another.

  7. I thought Dr.Subra said MIC won't debate? Why these Little Napoleon's in MIC nak debate pulak? I saw Surendran's tweet and he said, I'm not an Indian leader, I'm a Malaysian leader. Looks like you've done your best to twist the facts again bro. I thought I can get a different perspective from reading your blog but its full of low-quality propaganda shit. I'm sure you're not gonna approve my comment so at least I hope you can give the Indians some thought-provoking issues to ponder.

    1. You comment based on your opinion..you deserve what you think is right…its your democratic rights.. =) but don’t think people will buy your logics and spins..they aint stupid
      Good day my brother/sister

    2. Yes it is my democratic right to say what I want and that applies to you as well bro. Unfortunately it isn't me who is spinning and twisting logic. It is the MSM's selective reporting and propaganda which people don't believe anymore. But clearly, you seem to. God help you my brother
