Youth Intellectual Mind

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Who Bullshitted? Rama or Anwar?

I am sure all of you remember what had happened to Kampung Buah Pala....? It was an election promise by PR to the residents there . But what Proffesor Ramasamy telling NOW is  PR never made election promises !!! See below printscreen from Free Malaysia Today , June 16 2011 ,Aathi Shankar :   My question is : IF YOU ARE NOT SURE OF WINNING....THEN WHY ANWAR MADE ELECTION PROMISE THAT PR WILL SAVE KAMPUNG BUAH PALA? PLAYING THE FOOL...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rumors ?

To all those who are so againts MIC..I would like to tell you the 'Test of Three' which has been introduced by a great philosopher who held in such high esteem and widely lauded for his wisdom.  SOCRATES....!  Before you spread a rumour let's take a moment to test what you're going to say.. The first  Test is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell others is true?"  No?  Just heard about it??  So you don't really know if it's true or not!  Now let's try the second test,  The...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ramasamy,was zero at KBP,wana be hero at Bukit Jalil !

DCM II Penang mandore powerless to phone PKR MB to grant four acre land but instead he does this Tamil daily kosong propaganda promising over 4 acres of land when PR takes over Putrajaya in next general Elections. Why wait for after the 13th general elections? Even today the PR Selangor state government can grant the four acre land to the poor and landless of Bukit Jalil estate. This DCM II Penang Indian mandore could have on the spot in the presence...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

DCM Aide punched! Does He deserve it?? | Video

I dont wish nor want to give this particular person free publicity but I have no choice than doing it in order to ensure everyone know about him.. As readers would be aware, he was punched by one of the MIC member when Kampung Buah Pala issue was going on hot . But how many of us know WHY he was punched? Understood from a liable source, Deputy Chief Minister's Political Aide, M.Satees was profane against one of the member. There were a lot...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

NO Leadership Crisis In Penang !!

Penang MIC Information Chief and Penang Putera MIC Chief ,Mr.N.G Senthelnathan cautioned Free Malaysia Today to report based on truth and not bias towards certain individuals just to see MIC's failing . This statement was  referring to recent news reported in Free Malaysia Today that there has been leadership crisis in Penang MIC. Senthelnathan agreed that there are attempt by several insiders that trying to sabotage the party leadership at the state level, but their attempt failed.  On Monday’s Press Conference held at MIC Prai Service...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Apa Motif sebenar Hannah Yeoh ??

Seperti yang kita tahu, ADUN Subang Jaya Hannah Yeoh yang baru mendapat anak menyeru JPN letakkan bangsa anaknya sebagai 'ANAK MALAYSIA' ... klik disini untuk mengetahui secara lebih lanjut ! Mari kita selidik sedikit  menyenai isu ADUN Subang Jaya ini : i) Hannah berkhawin dengan lelaki berketurunan India dan dikurniakan dengan seorang bayi perempuan. ii) Hannah tidak mahu mendaftar anaknya sebagai berketurunan Cina mahupun...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

What do I face as a member of MIC???

Here are few things that i would like to share with all of you... Few things which sometimes de-motivate me..  but end of the day i realize... 'some' face stuffs even worst than me..=) Which eventually will make me feel good...and continue to fight for my party!!! When I buy  more expensive stuff than others : Aiya....MIC member...sure have money one!!! If they buy : My hardwork pays!! When I say I support BN : You are young and educated..supporting...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lim Guan Eng minta nyawa dari Barisan Nasional!! Mesti Baca!!

Lim Guan Eng DAP memang seorang pemimpin yang tidak sedar diri dan tidak mahu mengaku kelemahan diri. Sikap beliau itu sungguh memuakkan kita semua. Isu PAAB menyerlahkan lagi sikap beliau itu. Kita pun tahu PBA mencatatkan keuntungan bersih yang selari dengan revenue syarikat tersebut. Pada tahun 2007 (ketika BN memerintah Pulau Pinang) revenue PBA ialah RM181.549juta keuntungan bersih RM43.973juta tetapi pada tahun 2009 (ketika DAP memerintah)...

1M Email : Five Reasons of mine!!

 My brother just received an offer letter to pursue his A-level studies at Bukit Jalil Sports School. For readers information,BJSS is the first sports school in Malaysia. The school is located at the National Sports Complex compound in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. BJSS was opened in 1996 and the pioneers were only Form One and Form Four students. Now it open for A-level also known as Pra-Universiti .  He...