Youth Intellectual Mind

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Video : 807 Ahli DAP keluar parti,masuk MIC!!

29 Mei 2011 : GEMPAR!!! Seramai 807 ahli DAP dari kawasan Perai,Batu Kawan dan Bagan Dalam keluar parti beramai-ramai menyertai MIC. En.Jambunathan ,Ketua JKK serta Pengerusi DAP Bahagian Teluk Indah untuk 30tahun  yang mengetuai kumpulan seramai 807 orang  menyertai MIC selepas timbulnya ketidakpuasan dengan pimpinan DAP yang menyingirkan kaum India terutamanya di Perai dan Bagan Dalam.  Upacara yang di hadiri oleh kira kira 2000...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lim Guan Eng caught for lying ! !

This is the answer for statement by Lim Guan Eng,the Penang Chief Minister who accused Penang Barisan Nasional Government blindly. He in his speech said that BN Government did not prepare alternatives for those people who does not want to pay Sungai Nyior Toll. TRUTH Referring to  BERNAMA's news 29 August 2007,Tan Sri Dr.Koh Tsu Koon,Chief Minister of Penang at that time announced that alternative way from Jalan Todak ,Seberang Jaya to Taman Chai Leng, Prai is available for public while three more alternative ways to...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Professor Rama Scandal Exposed!! "Rama, Who is Magleswari???"

I decided to write up an article pertaining a news that has been spreading in blogs,emails and sms involving Professor Ramasamy. "DAP Deputy Secretary General from Malaysia making headline in India ....Early Feb 2010 Pg Deputy Chief Minister P.Ramasamy led some 25 people delegations to attend the Tamil Protection International Conference in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. During their stay in a hotel in Coimbatore, three drunkard men 1/3 rape a female...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Siapa cakap Kerajaan Malaysia tak prihatin?

Subsidi Kerajaan BN Buat rakyat Malaysia yang mana kita sendiri boleh nilai keperihatinan Kerajaan Malaysia dalam membantu Rakyat. Negara Negara luar belum tentu mempunyai Subsidi buat rakyat mereka... Menurut kaji selidik/temubual yang dilakukan : Ron97 di Nepal       : RM4.00/liter          di Filipina      : RM4.00/liter          di Indonesia  : RM 2.00/liter  ...

Monday, May 9, 2011

The more Anwar lie, the more Indians die!!

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim renewed his pledge to defend the rights of Indian community at the Malaysian Indian Voice (MI-Voice) gathering held at Dewan Hamzah here last night. Speaking to a crowd of 2,000 predominantly Indians, he said: “We in Pakatan Rakyat will defend the rights of the Indians no matter what happens.” He followed up by brushing aside Umno’s allegations that he was a foreign agent of America, the Jews and the others, by saying:...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gempak!!! Konco Konco Prof Rama di Halau!!!

 Menurut sumber, seramai lima puluh (50) orang luar dihantar oleh Profesor Ramasamy  <klik sini,mesti baca>  ke Batu Kawan berhubungan masalah  tanah perkuburan Hindu pagi tadi. Dilaporkan bahawa Prof Rama tidak hadir tetapi menghantar ramai orang luar(penyokong DAP Kedah dan Perak) kerana kekurangan sokongan tempatan untuk berbicara mengenai hal tersebut. Penulis difahamkan Prof Rama menghantar SU beliau ,M.Satees mengetuai...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I know who am I, how about you?

Here is a little story about my family history (mother's family) that I would like to share wit all.I have done some research and manage to compile the informations to be shared. First of all I would like to thank my mother Madam Veeshalni , Uncle Praba and cousin Nantheni for sharing valuable information with me. Understood that my forefathers are from Madurai,India.Dad of my greatgrandfather is Mr.Munusamy. He and his spouse...

Thursday, May 5, 2011


DI BAWAH ADALAH JANJI YANG MASIH BELUM DI TUNAIKAN OLEH PAKATAN SELEPAS PRU 12. SELANGOR • Membuka tabung permulaan RM100 bagi setiap anak kelahiran Selangor. • Memberi bantuan RM75 sebulan bagi setiap anak yang dihantar ke pusat asuhan. • Memberi bantuan RM50 sebulan seorang bagi pendidikan pra sekolah. • Memberi bantuan kepada anak muda untuk berkahwin. • Memberi 14 hari cuti kepada suami yang isterinya bersalin. • Memberi cuti sebulan kepada isteri yang kematian suami. • Menyediakan perubatan percuma untuk warga berumur 65 tahun ke atas. •...

Penang Free WiFi ( whisper :Not So Free!!)

" Yesterday, without the pomp and pageantry of the RM11.3b High Speed Broadband (HSBB) project that Najib Razak gave to Telekom Malaysia (TM), Penang took a modest step to realise almost the same dream at near-zero cost... Wireless@PENANG. Component One of the Wireless@PENANG project is Penang Free WiFi, running on IEEE 802.11, that targets the community at large, including the lesser served areas and lower income group. Read The...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ketua Menteri, cakap tak serupa bikin...!!

Kerajaan pimpinan DAP Pulau Pinang hari ini dibidas kerana masih gagal menunaikan beberapa janji dalam manifestonya walaupun telah mengambil alih pentadbiran daripada Barisan Nasional (BN) lebih tiga tahun lalu. Datuk Seri Dr. Hilmi Yahaya (BN-Teluk Bahang) berkata, kerajaan negeri di bawah pimpinan Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng (DAP-Air Putih), masih belum menunaikan janji Pilihan Raya Umum 2008 lalu dengan sepenuhnya. Antara janji yang belum ditunaikan...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mr.CM..what is your IC number ??

Who is he??? " Lim Guan Eng is the 4th Chief Minister of the State of Penang and Secretary-General of the Malaysian Democratic Action Party (DAP). He is the son of Lim Kit Siang, Leader of the Opposition in the Dewan Rakyat from 1973 to 1999 and 2004 to 2008.Lim married to Betty Chew Gek Cheng, a member of the DAP and a state assemblywoman in Malacca." - Wikipedia INTERESTING...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Professor Ramasamy....Hero or Zero?

Hero or Zero? That is the question running in everyone's mind today especially in those from Batu Kawan .. According from a source , there was a street demonstration today 1st Mei 2011 at 10.30 am somewhere near Penang Batu Kawan Stadium to show the dissatisfaction over Professor Ramasamy , Penang's so called first Indian Deputy Chief Minister ..His failure to understand the people's need resulted to this unexpected gathering. Understood that the...