Youth Intellectual Mind

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How Multiracial Is DAP ?

The topic that will be discussed here is ' how multiracial is DAP ?' I am not keen to talk on what DAP has done , what DAP is doing or how good DAP compare to BN components or how DAP have been managing Penang. I am pretty much sure there will be a little diversion in the topic discussed so I would like to discuss only about DAP's multiracial status. ONLY! Hypothesis : DAP is not multiracial   I have decided to pick this topic as my subject after watching this video which is going viral these few days.&nbs...

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tamil Schools and Idiots around.

Just to clear something up when I say "idiots" I don't mean people who are less knowledgeable than me about a certain topic. I mean people who are wilfully ignorant, intolerant, or unreasonable to the point of frustration I received a Whatsapp message from a friends of mine who shared a link of blog post regarding issues in Tamil schools. *clicked the link* *read till end* *laughed* *facepalm-ed myself* Looking at the imbecile of the blogger...

Thursday, August 7, 2014

PROOF : RM540 million for Indian Community. A slap on Waytha Moorthy face!

A loser who ran away to London then came back to become a Deputy Minister in Prime Minister's office. He then resigned due to his own failures but now trying to be hero blaming back the government.  ...