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Najib Maniac

I support the Transformation brought by YAB Datuk Seri Najib Razak.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So far Pakatan Rakyat had demolished 7 temples since 2008..will this be th 8th? Lets wait and see

This Bukit Gasing historical temple was built by Indian workers who put up the first telecommunications tower on the 523ft high summit of Gasing Hill. It is one of the earliest temples built amidst the high hills overlooking Kuala Lumpur and PJ.

In the early 2000s, it was renovated to become a beautiful temple with many facilities for devotees. It is also the first temple to allocate a special meditation space for devotees, similar to ancient Lord Sivan temple built by Raja Raja Cholan in Tamil Nadu. Even Buddhist devotees and well as foreigners have meditated at Lord Shiva’s kingdom nested at top of the green hill. One can attain greatest peace by just stepping into this temple.

The present Pakatan Rakyat led MBPJ regime, well known for its corrupt practices, is claiming the temple structure is NOT SAFE for devotees. All of sudden, MBPJ is full of care for people who come to the temple.

Friday, February 22, 2013

An Open Letter To Anwar Ibrahim [Part 1] @fmtoday @yuktesvijay

This letter was sent to online portal , Free Malaysia Today yesterday at 2pm. Sadly this letter is not being published by them. Have read  here :

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Calon Parlimen Sungai Siput , MB Perak beri petunjuk

Himpunan Rakyat 1 Malaysia berlangsung semalam di Sungai Siput. TPM YAB Tan Sri Muhyuddin Yassin hadir bersama YAB DSU S.Samy Vellu dan beberapa pepimpin tempatan. Juga hadir YB Dato S.K Devamany , MP Cameron Highlands dan pemimpin MIC yang lain.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Calon Bebas P.078 Cameron Highlands - Siapa Dilip Martin ?

Artikel ini adalah hasil tulisan sendiri berdasarkan pertemuan penulis dengan individu berkenaan. Tiada tokok tambah. Tiada penipuan. Lu rasa gua tipu? repot polis .

Cameron Highlands, berkedudukan 1500 meter atas aras laut .. sejuk sepanjang hari..daerah sebesar Singapura ini menjadi tarikan bukan sahaja pelancong tetapi juga politikus terutamanya dari MIC.

Siapa? You know , I know..

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

[video] Aku , PakCik Teksi dan Anwar

Video ini dirakam semasa  penulis menggunakan khidmat teksi dari Cheras ke Puchong. Ia disunting untuk memendekkan masa tayangan.Tiada skrip. Bukan CCTV. Video tulen . 99.9% adalah orang sebenar.