Youth Intellectual Mind

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Go back to Indonesia ...

Barely a week after the headmaster of SK Seri Pristana in Sungai Buloh came under fire for instructing his  students to have their recess meals in a changing room, last Monday a secondary school principal has allegedly raised racial tension. This time it is alleged that the headmistress told non-Malay students to go back to India or China. The principal of SM Alam Megah in Section 27 Shah Alam had apparently told noisy non-Malay students to...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jaspal - Just For Poll

Disclaimer : This is a personal blogpost. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not anyone else. With poor result in GE13 , MIC is now struggling to win over more Indians' hearts in GE14. Prior to that, MIC leaders have to win party seats. As we are heading towards MIC poll in two months time , many drama(s) can be seen along the path to the Day. Some unpopular MIC leaders who has been really vocal lately on Matriculation issues ,University...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

An Email from a Stranger - Canteen In Changing Room

I have been getting many emails/comments/messages applauding my effort to defend the school. Well , let me repeat it was done not to defend the school. NO. Like rest of you out there ,  I am upset with the poor decision made by the school. But again, what is the reason behind it? What is the thing that made other parents of 1300 students silent about it? I am skeptical . I found out some facts which I wrote yesterday here  ...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Canteen In Changing Room , FACTS That You Should Know.

There is always other side of the coin.  I had a bad experience of not being allowed to explain on my side when there was once an issue arise. Since then , I always start to see things from different perspective prior judging something. With all fairness , I would like to share some info about the school, SK Pristana which came under fire by many Netizen today. I have visited the school just now and here are the findings...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

[Part 2] Konspirasi Dokumen Palsu di Mahkamah Tinggi oleh PR @staronline @the_mole @fmtoday @malaysiakini

Seperti yang dijanjikan Yuktes Vijay telah pun membuat laporan polis terhadap terhadap pemimpin pembangkang (klik disini untuk baca Part 1) Baca disini Ini merupakan isi kandung emel yang sebelum ini penulis pernah dedahkan  (klik disini untuk baca Part 1) Klik untuk imej yang lebih jelas Tahniah penulis ucapkan kepada saudara Yuktes atas keberanian untuk tampil mendedahkan kejahatan Anwar dan konco-konconya. Ini baru permulaan.....

Friday, July 12, 2013

EKSKLUSIF | Rogol : Pemikiran PAS perlukan 'overhaul' #noexcuseforrape

''Wanita boleh mencegah jenayah seksual dengan tidak memakai seluar pendek dan pakaian sangat ketat. Kerajaan perlu membuat pertimbangan menggubal undang-undang untuk menghalang wanita daripada memakai "tidak senonoh" pakaian.'' - Ahli Parlimen Rantau Panjang , Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff  ...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

GAGAL! Protes Matrikulasi Pembangkang @mkula @mpklang tidak dapat sambutan! @pkamalanathan

Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed                                                                                                    ...

PANAS! Konspirasi Dokumen Palsu di Mahkamah Tinggi oleh PR ?

Hukuman bagi keterangan palsu 193. Sesiapa yang dengan sengaja memberikan keterangan palsu dalam mana-mana peringkat suatu prosiding kehakiman, atau mereka-reka keterangan palsu untuk tujuan daripada  yang digunakan dalam mana-mana peringkat prosiding kehakiman, hendaklah dihukum dengan pemenjaraan selama tempoh yang boleh sampai tujuh tahun, dan boleh juga  dikenakan denda, dan sesiapa yang sengaja memberikan atau mereka-reka keterangan...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

'Selera' Beg Tangan First Lady Of Penang (FLOP)

Artikel ini ditujukan kepada Red Bean Bun Army yang buat penulis muak dan loya dengan fitnah serta tomahan terhadap Wanita Pertama Malaysia. Serik penulis lihat komen-komen yang sering mengkritik Wanita Pertama negera , Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. Siang-malam ada saja komen-komen dari puak-puak pembangkang membuang fitnah tak henti-henti. Pernah baca artikel mengenai 'kembar' Datin Rosmah? (klik disini) Dari pakaian hinggalah ke aksesori...